Purple Obsidian

FullSizeRender(60)Purple Obsidian is a stone that shows us the power of spirituality and the endless possibilities through universal attraction, love, and growth.

It connects us to our intuition, auric fields, and is one of the most powerful gazing stones. It is very useful during tarot readings & psychic work or relationships. Carry it with you to give you that intuitive boost throughout the day.

It appeals to the 3rd eye & crown chakras.

Happy Spirit!

Last Quarter Moon

The Last Quarter Moon photographed by astronaut Ron Garan from the NASA International Space Station
The Last Quarter Moon photographed by astronaut Ron Garan from the NASA International Space Station


The Last Quarter Moon makes an appearance today. The Sun in Leo squares the Moon in Taurus. During this time, you may notice small inconsistencies or crisis in the consciousness.

Use the time from the Last Quarter Moon to the New Moon to mend any loose ties that have fallen since the last New Moon in July, reflect on your inner self, and to let go of any burdens or unwanted energies and entities that may hinder you after the New Moon. This is a period of preparation for new beginnings and new cycles for the New Moon, which happens on August 14th.

Take a step back to see the whole picture and gain some perspective.

Release – Let go – Forgive

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Tonight will be a good time to charge crystals in your garden or on your windowsill to aid in the journey of the Last Quarter Moon.

You will need:

  • 1 piece of Ocean Jasper
  • 1 piece of Spirit Amethyst or Spirit Quartz
  • 1 piece of Nirvana Ice Crystal
  • 1 piece of Aquamarine
  • Selenite Blessing Powder

Find a spot that will be underneath the moonlight and that energetically feels right. Take your Ocean Jasper, Spirit Amethyst or Quartz, Nirvana Ice Crystal, and your Aquamarine and place them in close proximity to each other. Next, sprinkle your Selenite Blessing Powder in a circle around all of your crystals to cleanse and protect them through the night.

Ocean Jasper will aid in forgiveness and letting go of any negative or unwanted baggage. Spirit Amethyst or Spirit Quartz in a protector and spiritual purifier. Nirvana Ice Crystal helps us to trust in the Universe and the destiny that is before us. Lastly, Aquamarine aids in calming the heart and mind so that transitions and unclear periods of time are easier to handle.

In the morning, gather your stones and place them on your altar or in a medicine pouch and carry them with you for the next week.