Decision Making Made Easy!


With the New Year, a lot of change and shifting can be happening in our lives and environments. Pendulums can help guide you through the transition and help you decide where to take your next steps of action. Pendulums are such a great Divination tool to use daily or when you feel like getting in touch with your Spirit Guides.

When choosing a Pendulum, choose one that energetically calls to you and feels positive and trusting. You can ask the Pendulum a question… even an honest one such as, “Are you the Pendulum for me?”

Pendulums pick up on vibrational energies that can help manifest answers that are already within your subconscious and within the thought collective. Each Pendulum will respond and react with someone differently. It’s important to ask the Pendulum to be honest with you and that you respect its job.

Pendulums are also helpful to use during magic work, tarot and oracle readings, as well as during healing work.

Happy Dowsing!

Purple Obsidian

FullSizeRender(60)Purple Obsidian is a stone that shows us the power of spirituality and the endless possibilities through universal attraction, love, and growth.

It connects us to our intuition, auric fields, and is one of the most powerful gazing stones. It is very useful during tarot readings & psychic work or relationships. Carry it with you to give you that intuitive boost throughout the day.

It appeals to the 3rd eye & crown chakras.

Happy Spirit!

Happy October!


Fall is upon us, the season of change and transition. Now is the time to take a stroll through Nature and take notice of the changes happening around us. It might make you feel better about the changes that are happening in your own life. Change can be beautiful, so embrace it and see where it takes you.

How did the Blood Moon affect you this past week? How are the transitions in your life affected by the energy that the Blood Moon gave off?

Mercury Retrograde is full-blown at the moment; so if communication is unstable, people are indecisive and your spirit is a little rattled–do not fret. Mercury retrograde ends October 9th, so hang in there!

Opal: the Stone of Angels


Opal is such a lovely stone to have for cleansing and to attract angelic energies. Opal brings the ‘fire of spirit’ into the energy field. It is extremely useful in infusing the aura with full spectrum of energy. It can assist one in emotional cleansing followed by the ability to become more positive and loving. It is filled with angel and light energy that will help one to see the silver-lining of a seemingly dim situation.

This stone is particularly useful to have during Venus Retrograde due to it’s guiding qualities.

Angel Aura


Angel Aura is Lemurian Quartz that has been bonded with Platinum & Silver.

This combination allows one to connect with Angels and the Angelic Realm. It is helpful in remembering past incarnations and attuning to one’s spiritual purpose. It is also physically protective.


Angel Aura appeals to the Crown chakra. It is a wonderful stone for serenity and upliftment. This stone brings sunshine to anyone’s rainy day.